Let's put it all together. We argued that a laboratory grade credit money model would be more effective to support growth, welfare, and equality. The reason is that currently central banks, and the government focus on different metrics than per person domestic product based on accepted research. The credit card system is the closest to such a concept.


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I will look from the perspective of a reasonable investor, the model NATO citizen. This is because I try to reduce noisy data, so I have to eliminate any cultural, personal, or geographic differences of countries.

Our first article described projects that require external financing. Debt is needed to pay a vendor or machine in advance. The real financiers are these employees and companies whose work is purchased. Many companies come with their own financing in the modern world. Think about car dealerships.

We proved that the amount of financing is proportional to the salary of all vendors and employees involved across the time period of the project. Why? Financing risks build up in case of over or underfunded projects. Project managers will choose the low risk and low interest options.

The next article described the modern approach of researching the model citizen. Any debt obligation is a consequence of the living style of an age group. The students, new families tend to borrow more. The elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed consume using the corporate taxes, dividends and coupon payments of the earnings of their younger self. Working families tend to earn more committing a few years for the current project. This makes their productivity three or fourfold. Why? Financing risks build up, if different generations try to negotiate with each other above what would be their own contribution. This is usually a reason for inflation and deflation.

All source of financing is a single currency made by the central banks. This is what we described in the third article. Central banks have the benefit of accurate government statistics. Central banks represent the elected majority of earners and asset holders primarily protecting the currency against inflation. The currency is the mortar of the state. This goal rarely justifies sacrificing recurring revenues and recession.

We also addressed alternative statistics. The government reduces unemployment. Investment banks and venture capital address growth and employment increasing domestic product. Financing companies, credit card companies, pay later schemes, cryptocurrencies address the small businesses filling the gap for the entire population.

The fourth article described interest rates of debt and equity. It addressed why cultural norms sometimes deliberately reduce domestic product to favor elitism and societal hierarchy. Domestic product can still grow with full debt projects of the government or corporations provided that the risk is low. We have proven that such perfect competition projects do not affect equity ownership ratios across communities. They rather improve general welfare of better infrastructure. Debt is used with perfect competition has very little cash flow and small present value.

Equity and leverage financing remains reserved for the zero-sum game of oligopolies, monopolies, and mainstream show business.

We also described how stringent accounting, proper planning set interest rates comparable to statistical risks. Knowledge and education is what makes debt projects and growth possible. Big Tech grew on knowledge. Low risk debt is a clear consequence. Full debt projects may still become equity by streamlining and efficiency improvements. One example are value investors fixing companies. Their equity projects get good press, and readers can use leverage and full debt to copy the technique elsewhere.

Our fifth article extended the thought process describing, what causes inflation. Monetary tightening may reduce the amount of money. Low and high income communities could grow independently without it. Low income communities have opportunity to scale out spreading welfare. Large income communities can scale up to invest in new technologies that can be the edge of further growth. Limiting these groups seems like applying the monetary policy of a small country to a bigger one.

The sixth article described how the interests of the low income, the median, and the wealthy can easily be addressed by a laboratory grade credit money. Low risk projects can support growth with full debt. Equity may grow, if the central bank fills the gap with extra money. Leverage of the mix of debt and equity can grow existing cash flow. Piles of cash are easy to spend, if they find value like real-estate, arts, startups, and travel. The bigger individual wealth the more opportunity for unique arts, startups, and research. It does not compete with new small businesses.

The seventh article described some noteworthy limitations of the existing systems. The model citizen can grow with limited government subsidies, some good employment valuing commitments with equity, and plenty of job opportunities for learning.

Central banks are important to keep the unity of low risks. The main regulatory policy that helps to keep a single currency is requiring paying corporate taxes in it. Still the best way to prevent the creation of alternative payment methods and recession is a standard monetary policy supported by accepted research.

Investment banks help packaging any new crypto assets into exchange grade securities. Governments can protect the system collecting reasonable aggregate data. They can act quickly and cheaply, when the system is in danger using education, law enforcement, and defense transparently.

Imagine the system. You are 18 years old, a model citizen, who is invested in the future. What you can expect from such a society?

You have probably a GDP impact of 100000 dollars. Most NATO countries are about half of that but real welfare communities are desirable. You expect that your domestic product will be real 200000 dollars adjusted for inflation in 20 years. This assumes a real annual 3.53% growth. This is your entire annual consumption comparable to your salary of pre-tax earnings adjusted for net imports divided by the size of your family.

If you have a good certificate, degree and knowledge, you can come up with a business plan for a franchise, solar farm, manufacturing plant, or retail store easily. Tech startups help providing valuable data and insights where to open them. You get the debt without extra down payment in exchange for monthly accounting and information sharing to the bank. If you can make the business more efficient than the competition, you may even sell equity for cash.

You may choose an enterprise job with growth opportunities. You get shares vested in four years that would make your salary four-fold. This allows your impact on domestic product to cover your entire family of four until the children become 18, and both members return to the workforce.

Income taxes cover government services that are granted individually to any citizen without extensive bureaucracy. You may expect retirement, healthcare services that help you get back to work after an injury. Taxes on capital gains help to maintain the system when you are disabled, retired, unemployed.

Your savings are enough that you can start an elderly care business at the age of sixty that will take care of yourself as well. It is leveraged with debt. Your savings can also help to switch professions earning a certificate, when needed. They may also help to start your own business until it generates cash flow.

All what is needed is a commitment to support such a lifestyle from central banks. This requires a capped credit line granted each year to each citizen, if they are short on revenue compared to GDP. Debt may be granted to projects with a proper vendor offer. The vendor hires underemployed circling back the money. Interest is covered by the individual up to a total percentage. The seller supports a recurring flow of goods that still need buyer approval otherwise.

The system is transparent and simple. Individuals decide to take on debt to support their consumption. All demand is met, and the money flows back in a circle. Money piled up can easily meet supply. Any piling up of assets is substituted by extra issuance to support recurring consumption.

Such a monetary system can handle conflict and crisis situations better tied directly to GDP rather than just inflation.

This is business.